Little Known Effects of Mold

Little Known Effects of Mold

It’s virtually impossible to live your life without some exposure to mold. We’re constantly exposed to mold throughout the day, whether we notice it or not. Unfortunately, some people may be more sensitive to mold and may notice exposure more than others, and when they’re exposed to a large number of spores, they can get sick. 

Mold and Your Health

Mold can impact your health in a negative way. Mold can produce an irritant or an allergen that may cause you to get sick. There are a number of factors that will determine how sick you actually get, like your age, how much mold you were exposed to, and how allergic you actually are. Mold can cause sneezing, itching, and shortness of breath in some people. If you have asthma, exposure to mold can trigger an asthma attack. Another uncommon effect of exposure to mold is pneumonia. It can also cause more adverse reactions such as infections in the eyes, skin, or lungs. Again, how it affects you is based on an individual basis. 

Mycotoxins and mVOCs

Two more little known effects of mold include mycotoxins and mVOCs. Mycotoxins are substances produced by mold that’s very potent. The substance, mVOCs, are microbial volatile organic compounds that are produced by metabolisms from fungal processes. If you’re exposed to these mVOCs, you can suffer from watery eyes, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea. These side-effects can be very unpleasant. 

Tests for Mold

Fortunately, you can get tested to see if you’re allergic to mold. This is a good idea, especially if you’ve been suffering any of the symptoms above and would like to get it checked out to see if mold is the cause. If you have an allergic reaction, you can receive a skin test to determine if you’re allergic to mold. You can also get a blood test done, called a RAST test. 

Bay State Mold Removal: Expert Mold Removal by Industry Leading Profesional

These are a few of the little-known effects of mold. If you’ve been suffering from sneezing, wheezing, coughing, itching, or shortness of breath, it could be because you’ve been exposed to mold and are sensitive to it. Luckily, there are a number of tests you can take to determine if you’re allergic to mold, and mold is the culprit for all of your unwanted symptoms. It’s important to seek medical advice if you have any of the above symptoms, as they can further determine the cause of your symptoms through a series of tests. We’re always exposed to mold, whether we notice it or not, so knowing your sensitivity to the substance is important. Contact us today to learn more about mold exposure and how Bay State Mold Removal can rid your home or business of mold.

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