Tips To Maintain A Healthy Home for Winter

As Winter approaches, many homeowners are looking for ways to cozy up and enjoy the holiday season. When we say home maintenance is seasonal work, you can be sure that there are still some tasks to do at home to prevent any winter mold and mildew from appearing and ruining your holidays. Bay State Mold Removal has created some tips for you to consider to improve your home’s airflow.

Learn How to Decrease Your Home’s Humidity

Heat and moisture created in the kitchen stove or the condensation in the bathroom are some of the most common mixtures of mold and mildew. To prevent this, open the window for 20 minutes to clear out any trapped air in the room or use the exhaust fan to ensure no mold or mildew will grow anywhere.

A Leaky Home Welcomes Moisture and Mold to Grow

When it comes to the root of the mold, windows, and doors must be properly maintained and secure to stop any mold growth areas. This applies anywhere else in the house where trapped water from leaks needs to be repaired right away. Fail to do so can add more damage and money in the future. 

Dry Wet Areas Need To Be Scrubbed

As previously mentioned, dry wet areas such as laundry must be put away as soon as you can, especially in the Winter, because we use the heating system more often. When you put heating and trapped water together, it can add a rapid growth of mold. 

Wipe Down Your Ceiling Fans

Moistures from condensation will find ways to stay around the house as long as possible. Ceiling fans are great to shift any heavy air away from one area, but without thorough cleaning can spread toxic air, which can be a problem for your loved ones’ health. 

Taking better care of your home’s health will allow you and your family to enjoy the holiday seasons the way you should be. If you are unsure what to do with your home or its current situation. Consider calling Bay State Mold Removal to thoroughly ones’ health and evaluate your home and provide you solutions to get your home back to its healthy condition again. Your satisfaction and safety are our number one priority. Call today to learn more!

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