How Bay State Mold Removal Removes Attic Mold

How Bay State Mold Removal Removes Attic Mold

At Bay State Mold Removal, our professional mold remediation crew is industry certified to remove attic mold in a variety of ways. We understand that each attic mold problem is unique, which means that there can’t just be one way to remove the issue.

Four Ways To Removal Attic Mold

  1. Wire Brush & Sanding. With this mold removal technique, our crew will remove all visible mold as well as the topmost layer of attic sheathing. Each wooden panel is cleaned using sanders and wire brushes.
  2. Dry Ice or Soda Blasting. This technique requires heavy duty mold removal equipment. The dry ice or soda blasting will remove the mold as well as a thin top layer of the attics’ wood panels to ensure no mold spores are left.
  3. Fogging. Using a ULV fogger, powerful yet environmentally friendly mold remediation chemicals are sprayed throughout the affected attic area. This kills mold on contact and the job is performed quickly and efficiently.
  4. Fogging & Encapsulant. After performing the fogging mold removal technique, our crew applies a mold-resistant stain to the wood. This stain contains mold-killing chemicals and also encapsulates any remaining mold spores, preventing future growth. This stain also leaves the wood with a fresh, aesthetically pleasing look!

Have you noticed any signs of mold in your attic lately? Reach out to our mold removal company for a free estimate and quick service today!

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