Benefits of Spring Cleaning

Springtime means a fresh start for most homeowners; it’s a great time to start cleaning up from all the stuff we’ve accumulated over the holiday season and winter months, as well as do a deep clean of all the salt, mud and dust around the home. According to the American Cleaning Institute, an estimated 72% of all Americans undergo some form of annual spring cleaning.

The process of spring cleaning not only makes us feel better, but it also prevents household mold problems down the road. A cluttered and dirty home means more places for mold and mildew to thrive. Here are a few things you should be cleaning and why.

Moldy belongings drying in front yardClothing. For homeowners who have children that are active outside all winter have probably been guilty of hanging up their children’s snowsuits in the laundry or mud room to dry out. What happens is many people will hang dry the material and then put it away in boxes during the warmer months. It’s important to thoroughly wash all seasonal clothing items before storing them. The added bonus is that you’ll open the box next season to fresh-smelling clothes.

Basement. If you haven’t cleaned the basement out in a few seasons (or a few years) now is the time to tackle this particular area of your home. Whether you have a finished or unfinished basement, the accumulation of upholstered furniture, old linens or holiday decorations also means an accumulation of mold spores. Be sure to take a close look at each item to determine whether there is mold on it. If it’s mold free, place it in a plastic storage container with a label.

Garage. The garage is another area of your home that you may tend to neglect simply because you don’t spend as much time in there as you would your kitchen or living room. Every spring it’s important to check for any leaks or flooding if you have a water source located in your garage. Don’t forget to look above you and inspect the roof for water marks or leaks, as this could lead to mold damage and rot.

Have you already found a mold problem in your whole while spring cleaning? Contact our Peabody mold removal company today for professional residential mold remediation services.

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